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When activate license key, display more information for debugging

Hello all,

As of today, the error message when trying to activate a license doesn't give any useful information :



I want to know :
-do I manage to access to the Alteryx Licensing? (so maybe a security/proxy issue.. so I have to contact my IT)
edit : for that there is another message usually



-is the key correct but not more seats? (so I have to contact the Alteryx License manager) Or another issue?
Here, I perfectly know the license key is correct so the error message is really misleading.
-also displaying the machine id as it appears on the License portal would help.
-and anything that can be helpful to debug.

Best regards,


1 Comment
13 - Pulsar


I'm guessing your PC can't communicate with the Alteryx license portal.  I'd contact IT at your company.  Alternatively, if that is the issue and you are not permitted then you can do an offline activation.  That would require you to work with your company's Alteryx License Administrator.  The license Admin can see if there are enough seats as well.


Good Luck!