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What's Up With Copy/Paste Inside Tool Configurations?

Ever tried to copy a field rename from one select tool to another, or from one summarize tool from another.


Have you noticed that it doesn't work?


I think it should. 🙂


i.e., if you click on the rename box ("Total") and enter ctrl-c, when you enter ctrl-v in the other tool, it pastes this:

Field2 Sum Total

not just the name "Total"


Instead of just the renamed field "Category", the select tool pastes this:

True Field1 String 1 Category




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Agree that this is a little frustrating.

I get around this by using the XML edit version of the tool, but that's clearly not optimal.



13 - Pulsar

plus one...

clients see this as an apparent bug... and then no one wants to see a buggy situation in a paid/licensed software...

8 - Asteroid

Hello all,


When trying to copy and paste anything any a select tool it copies the entire row, with indents and formatting.

This is terrible and completely useless as you cant paste it anywhere. 


Please update this so when you copy something you only copy what is highlighted. Ya know the same functionality that every other copy function performs.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Absolutely agree with you @Nick_Yarbrough


There are a few suggestions in the Ideas where copy-paste is not consistent with standard expected Windows behaviour.   This one that you refer to is a little frustrating, and the other is when pasting rows into a TextInput tool.

8 - Asteroid

100% agree with you agreeing with me, lol. 


But in all seriousness, the inconsistency is quite frustrating.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

As we convert more tools to HTML, we are enabling copy/paste functionality within and between tools. Thanks for being patient with us as we convert tools over. 

13 - Pulsar

Any updates on this,

will we be able to see it in 2018.4 maybe?


When clients come across this, they think that Alteryx tool is buggy... loss of reputation...


We are working on a fix for the issue where you copy from a cell and paste into another cell and it pastes the entire row rather than the cell you copied.

13 - Pulsar

looking forward to it

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Almost there! We are in the process of finalizing your idea. You should see this idea implemented in an upcoming release.