Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Visual Query Builder - Save Layout of Model

When you use the Visual Query Builder, you can drag and drop tables to arrange them clearly (to show the star or snowflake schema, for instance). 


When you close the Visual Query Builder and reopen it, the tables are all left-aligned in a long column, with the joins overlapping each other. Since many of our tables are very wide (i.e., with many columns), this makes it cumbersome to locate the correct table and field.


I would like the manual positioning of the tables to be saved in the Visual Query Builder, to

  1. Make the logical arrangement clearer to the developer and later users
  2. Make it easier to locate tables/fields without scrolling downward

This is a feature that our users were very accoustomed to in Hyperion Intelligence, our legacy BI tool, which works similarly to the Visual Query Builder (shown below).


Hyperion Intelligence Model

13 Kommentare

I think it is fundamental to have a user friendly query builder.


The fact that the tables rearrange themselves when closing really puts me off using Alteryx, especially on big projects. Would also be amazing to have a proper SQL editor. This is basic stuff.


Are the Alteryx developers working on this?


Save the layout AND save the column widths for the criteria table at the bottom of the screen. Or at least auto-size them to fit any text within.

Hello @bkornell1 

Visual Query Builder is a third-party component, from Active Query Builder. I asked for an upgrade of it here :


Best regards,
