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Visual Query Builder - Keep Layout after Save

This is a particular pet peeve of mine but I think it would tremendously beneficial.  I would love to see Alteryx hold the layout created in the visual query builder.  

There are situations where I have multiple tables from which I am joining.  when I leave this scree, the format changes back to a standard layout.  It takes valuable time to pull this apart so I can see what I am working on.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@JohnMaty - I fully agree with you.


The other thing that makes me somewhat tense is when all the work you do to structure the SQL query into a readable form gets thrown away when you change tabs.    


For example - SQL queries in our team are always formatted



     <field A>

     <Field B>


     <tables and joins>


     <where clauses>



7 - Meteor

Additionally consider, making SQL keywords a different color.



13 - Pulsar

Can you keep Comments as well. So, please keep the table arrangement after closing the window.  Thanks!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes