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View Possible Connections: Make it menu-accessible. Currently Mouse-accessible only

Alteryx Admin Designer
Version: 2019.2.10.64688


Use case: Improved accessibility of Designer functionality via Keyboard and UI Menus

Hello Alteryx Team. I am very new to the Alteryx world. As I continue to learn and go through training and tutorials, one thought occurred to me. Using Alteryx requires a great deal of mouse dexterity - especially as workflows grow in complexity. This could be extra-challenging or frustrating for users with limited mobility.


As a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts, I found the Find Tool (CTRL+F) to be very handy when locating and selecting tools without the mouse. And the View Possible Connections feature enables the ability to link anchors without a mouse. Excellent! However, this handy feature seems only accessible by right-clicking a tool with the mouse. I'm unable to find an entry for this feature in any of Designer's menus, nor does it appear when using the Menu key on the keyboard (which brings up the Context Menu, aka Right-Click).


Perhaps this has been addressed in other versions of Designer. Or it might be a UI oversight. But in terms of accessibility, I feel it would be very useful.


Please let me know your thoughts or show me how to find it outside of right-clicking.


Many thanks,



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Thank you for your feedback! The ability to view Possible Connections will be made accessible through the menu in an upcoming release. We'll update this idea again once that release is available for download.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your feedback! The keyboard shortcut Shift + F10 was included in our latest release 2020.2, which should now allow you to access the context menu on the canvas. You can download the latest release here

5 - Atom

Cool! That is great news! So happy that this was implemented! It'll be really useful. Thank you Alteryx Team!