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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Use a dataflow as a template within a team

Similar to "Start here" dataflow, it would be useful to specify a path within the User settings to open a dataflow "template" file when the users do not have permission to add or replace "start here" dataflow.


Within our organisation, we are required to have the dataflow summary. We have prepared a dataflow to meet these requirements but currently unable to share it like "start here" template so that every Alteryx session opens the agreed datalow "template" file.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

\Thank you for your feedback and I also noticed this is your first idea posted to one of the product idea boards so welcome as well! This idea is interesting, I've updated the labels on this idea to help provide visibility to a few other product teams. If you haven't yet please check out our Submission Guidelines, which go over the idea boards process in a bit better detail.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes