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Unknown field separate for Left and Right Input

Hi, when using the Join tool, I sometimes wish there are separate "*Unknown" fields for each of the left and right input.

I have occasions where the left input can be dynamic(modified upstream), but the right input fixed.


It's annoying to fix all join tool's selection when there are modifications in the upstream part.




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for submitting your feedback to the Alteryx Idea product board!

We appreciate all the feedback we get and are working to review and respond to all ideas that have met the criteria to be brought to our product team. If you haven’t yet, please be sure to review our updated Submission Guidelines.

11 - Bolide

PLUS ONE! I was going to suggest this and found you had already added the idea. Any embedded select in a tool that has right/left would benefit from this.


This is very helpful if you have some kind of mapping you are joining in. If someone messed with the mapping file, I may not want any of the extra columns to come over. But I would still like any fields in my main workflow to pass through if I add them upstream in a SQL query etc. So I'd want to keep all  *Left Unknown, but deselect all *Right Unknown

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This would be a nice add to the join tool.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
7 - Meteor

Yes please! This would help me on virtually every workflow.