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Tool Container Default Margin

Every time I add a tool container I default the Margin to "none." Could you make a default selection part of user settings? Thank you.
11 - Bolide

Yes, please! I clicked this topic again, just to make extra sure I had starred it!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review
6 - Meteoroid

Yes, please add this feature. Everytime I use a container, the first thing I do after naming is changing the margin. Defaul should be 'None' or user option. Thanks.

5 - Atom

totally agree. When you use containers so many times and when you're always forced to change it to 'none'... it will be really a pleasure to set in user settings :)

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Coming Soon

 For the upcoming 11.0 release, we are changing the default margin to be "small".  We considered making the default "none" but found that it is difficult to then add tools to the process within the container.  Hopefully this will help with some of the problems you are reporting with the current default.  We will consider a global user setting for this in the future.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented
8 - Asteroid



The status of this is "Implemented", but I can't see it on the User Settings.

Could you share a screenshot?




8 - Asteroid

Hi Karen


If you select the Tool Container so its configuration window appears, there is a "Margin" field which you can set to "None". This shrinks the margin considerably. The default setting is Small.  However, I don't think you can specify your preference as a default setting so, unfortunately, you'll need to apply it to each Tool Container, one by one.




Hope that helps.


5 - Atom

Since it's been a while since this last implementation, I was wondering if it might be possible to re-explore the possibility of adding a user setting to where the default Margin setting can be 'None.' It would be much appreciated!

5 - Atom

Adding to the conversation that I would like this implemented. What's the best way to submit a feature request?