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Too much Visual Query Builder blank space

I've had several of my users complaining about the Visual Query Builder view after the last couple of releases. When you maximize the window, half of the screen is taken up by blank gray space and there is no way to adjust it and it's very difficult for those who do not know SQL to build their queries in this very small white space. Need to be able to adjust the gray space.



visual query builder.jpg

8 - Asteroid

Yes. This.  It didn't used to be like this, did it?  It's rather annoying and makes it tricky to scroll through the columns in the top portion of the window.  I came on here today hoping this wasn't a problem unique to my workgroup, and am glad someone else has brought it up.

7 - Meteor

Is there a fix.  Experiencing the same thing here and sent in a message to the Rep.  No response.  Very hard to work with less than half the screen available.  This started happening when I upgraded to 2018.1.

7 - Meteor

I am having the same issue I would love a fix as well!

6 - Meteoroid

Even for those of us who know sql, it's a bit of a pain, a fix would be wonderful.

7 - Meteor

I have the same issue when upgrading to the latest version of  2018.1.3. It is so difficult to design a query when using VQB.

6 - Meteoroid

I submitted a ticket for this earlier today; it's a known issue, unfortunately there is know time till fix.

7 - Meteor

Thanks Dalynch1

10 - Fireball

Same thing for me....reverted back to 11.7, and got the full use of my window again. 

9 - Comet

Just voicing my opinion as well.  Having the same issue since upgrading to 2018.1, and it's a HUGE pain!  Alteryx is my SQL client of choice (I don't ever write SQL by hand, I always use the VQB), so this is definitely an every day annoyance.

6 - Meteoroid

Just upgraded and ran into the same issue.