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Text search in workflows

An Alteryx workflow can have a lot of text in it. You can rename individual tools, add annotations to them and use comment boxes to write explanations of what the workflow is doing. The idea I would like to advocate is to have a search function built into Alteryx to find words within any of these text inputs.


Thank you,



6 - Meteoroid

This would make it very helpful when validating a workflow or searching for a formula that was created.

7 - Meteor

I think that this would be really helpful. I often use lots of comment boxes in Alteryx to help document my workflow and it would be brilliant if I could search these, particularly when I am working with huge workflows. 

12 - Quasar

It's been mentioned on Twitter that this feature already existing in the existing Find Tool. I never knew - I wonder if it could be explained better on the Find Tool itself....

5 - Atom

Thanks for the update Chris. The Find Tool does seem to find any words you search for. As you say it's not obvious that it will do that. Your suggestion of a better explanation on the Find Tool would be useful.

8 - Asteroid

There are a number of tools that can help with this. Have you tired the XML Parse Tool You can also use the Regex tool or the Formula tool depending on what you want to do Thanks Damien

Status changed to: Implemented

Thanks for suggesting this. The Find Tool does allow for text search in the workflow. With the 2019.4 release, the find tool has been enhanced to make this functionality much more clear to the user.