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Text Pre-processing tool bug


I recently had a use-case that needed me to start using the text mining tools for a reporting based workflow, and i had pretty good success. However, my workflow does not always have data being brought through it, and when 0 results are supplied to a Text Pre-processing tool, it produces a bug and log file. I imagine this is a small fix, just a weird one to run into.

Steps to replicate:
1- Add a text input tool with some dummy text values as part of a field



2- Add a text pre-processing tool to the workflow, and configure it to use this field and English.



3- add a filter tool, prior to the text pre-processing tool, to filter out any valid results



4- Run the workflow



As the data cleansing tool does not behave similar, I fully believe this to be an unintended outcome.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @TheOC good feedback, thank you!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @TheOC,


Thank you for the feedback. What do you expect to happen in the above workflow when no data is supplied to the Text Pre-processing tool? E.g. You don't expect to see an error at all, you expect to see an error informing you that no data was supplied, etc.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hey @veeliang 
I would personally expect this to error and say that no data was supplied - i think 'unexpected error' doesn't help me troubleshoot at all - and makes me suspect there is an issue with the tool itself.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review
