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Snowflake Bulk Loader Compatible with Azure

Hi All,


Was very happy to see the Bulk Loader introduced for Snowflake during last release. This bulk loader is specifically available for Snowflake environments that are hosted on AWS, but does not provide functionality for those environments using Azure. As Snowflake continues to build momentum, I imagine this will be a common request. Is there something in the pipeline to add this functionality?


For an interim solution, we will be working toward developing some generic scripts/snowsql to mimic that bulk load, but ultimately we'd love to have this as part of the tool.




6 - Meteoroid

Thank you @KylieF!


I completed my Beta program submission and am looking forward to joining in on the fun.


Have a great day!



6 - Meteoroid

@KylieF Do you have an ETA on when the version of Alteryx which includes this change will be released from Beta into production?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @Leif,


We cannot provide an ETA at this time, however as this idea is in the Coming Soon status it is likely to be included in a near future release. I'll insure this idea gets updated once more news or information is available.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your idea!


We're excited to say this feature has officially moved out of beta and is now available in the latest version of Alteryx, 2020.3, which is now available for download! Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think in the Designer Discussions board.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



thanks a lot for your patience. Just to be sure we avoid any confusion: this idea was about "bulkloader compatible with Azure", i.e. not forcing the user to use AWS for staging. What we implemented is the ability to use the bulk loading form a local file into a Snowflake internal stage, as described here . This should work for Snowflake on AWS as well as on Azure, therefore we think it satisfies the "compatibility" request.

We have NOT implemented specific Azure functionality, as described here . This is something we are thinking of, but it is not yet on the roadmap; if you are interested in this particular functionality, please, submit / like a new idea.

