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Simple Filter Option

After visiting with a new user who was not sure how to set up a filter, we came up with the following idea.

We would add a "simple" option to the existing Filter tool with some basic controls that would automatically create the expression for you.

Do others think this would be helpful?

Geoff Jones
Alteryx, Inc
Product Manager – User Experience
6 - Meteoroid
This makes a lot more sense. It is hard to think of "joining" which implies an additive function for filtering or selecting (both of which I think of as divisive functions). Thanks!
8 - Asteroid
If this is implemented, I'd suggest defaulting to "Write my own expression" or have the UI respond to a click in the "Expression" panel by setting the radio to "Write my own expression" (definitely the better implementation of the two).  I rarely filter on a single value other than isempty(), so for most cases adding an additional step of clicking the radio button would be a nuisance especially in cases where I forget to click the button and the tool shows as misconfigured or I get the wrong result from a script (potentially a lot of work to debug a script to find out that a filter was using a default simple comparison rather than a typed espression because of forgetting to click a radio button).
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented
10 - Fireball

I hate this as implemented!  jgreene is right should default to write my own expression.