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Search for Tool ID within a workflow

When a workflow runs on the server and the server tells me there was an error with Tool ID 103, I'd like to be able to open that workflow in my designer and search for that Tool ID 103.  We have some really large workflows and it takes a long time to manually locate that tool.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @guth05 ,


Not sure which version you are using and when the feature was released, but Alteryx has this feature now and you can access it with CRTL+F.



Screenshot 2024-01-05 102503.png



Fernando Vizcaino

6 - Meteoroid

@fmvizcaino Thank you! I didn't think to try CTRL+F - that worked!  I was trying to use the Search option at the top of designer with no luck.