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SQL to Alteryx workflow "Magic" converter...

How about turning this;

FROM Employee
ORDER BY First_name ASC

into this automatically


and a more complex one

SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate
FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Customers
ON Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID; 

into this


basically it's a parser;


1) First check if it's a MS SQL, PL/SQL or T/SQL

2) Then figure out join relationships

3) Convert each subset SQL into function nodes

4) Convert function nodes to Alteryx yxmd (xml)


Creates the following for the first workflow

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AlteryxDocument yxmdVer="10.5">
    <Node ToolID="1">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.AlteryxSelect.AlteryxSelect">
        <Position x="174" y="90" />
          <OrderChanged value="False" />
            <SelectField field="*Unknown" selected="True" />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxSelect" />
    <Node ToolID="2">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.Sort.Sort">
        <Position x="246" y="90" />
          <SortInfo locale="0">
            <Field field="FIRST_NAME" order="Ascending" />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText>FIRST_NAME - Ascending</DefaultAnnotationText>
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxSort" />
    <Node ToolID="4">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.TextInput.TextInput">
        <Position x="90" y="90" />
          <NumRows value="0" />
            <Field name="FIRST_NAME" />
          <Data />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxTextInput" />
    <Node ToolID="13">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.BrowseV2.BrowseV2">
        <Position x="330" y="90" />
                <Table />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxBrowseV2" />
      <Origin ToolID="1" Connection="Output" />
      <Destination ToolID="2" Connection="Input" />
      <Origin ToolID="2" Connection="Output" />
      <Destination ToolID="13" Connection="Input" />
      <Origin ToolID="4" Connection="Output" />
      <Destination ToolID="1" Connection="Input" />
    <Memory default="True" />
    <GlobalRecordLimit value="0" />
    <TempFiles default="True" />
    <Annotation on="True" includeToolName="False" />
    <ConvErrorLimit value="10" />
    <ConvErrorLimit_Stop value="False" />
    <CancelOnError value="False" />
    <DisableBrowse value="False" />
    <EnablePerformanceProfiling value="False" />
    <DisableAllOutput value="False" />
    <ShowAllMacroMessages value="False" />
    <ShowConnectionStatusIsOn value="True" />
    <ShowConnectionStatusOnlyWhenRunning value="True" />
    <ZoomLevel value="0" />
      <NameIsFileName value="True" />
      <Name>New Workflow1</Name>
      <Description />
      <RootToolName />
      <ToolVersion />
      <ToolInDb value="False" />
      <CategoryName />
      <SearchTags />
      <Author />
      <Company />
      <Copyright />
      <DescriptionLink actual="" displayed="" />
      <Enabled value="True" />

and for the second example with joins...

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AlteryxDocument yxmdVer="10.5">
    <Node ToolID="1">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.AlteryxSelect.AlteryxSelect">
        <Position x="126" y="54" />
          <OrderChanged value="False" />
            <SelectField field="*Unknown" selected="True" />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxSelect" />
    <Node ToolID="2">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.TextInput.TextInput">
        <Position x="54" y="54" />
          <NumRows value="0" />
            <Field name="CustomerID" />
            <Field name="OrderID" />
            <Field name="CustomerName" />
            <Field name="OrderDate" />
          <Data />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxTextInput" />
    <Node ToolID="3">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.AlteryxSelect.AlteryxSelect">
        <Position x="126" y="198" />
          <OrderChanged value="False" />
            <SelectField field="*Unknown" selected="True" />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxSelect" />
    <Node ToolID="4">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.TextInput.TextInput">
        <Position x="54" y="198" />
          <NumRows value="0" />
            <Field name="CustomerID" />
          <Data />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxTextInput" />
    <Node ToolID="5">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.Join.Join">
        <Position x="222" y="126" />
        <Configuration joinByRecordPos="False">
          <JoinInfo connection="Left">
            <Field field="CustomerID" />
          <JoinInfo connection="Right">
            <Field field="CustomerID" />
            <Configuration outputConnection="Join">
              <OrderChanged value="False" />
                <SelectField field="Right_CustomerID" selected="True" rename="Right_CustomerID" />
                <SelectField field="*Unknown" selected="True" />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxJoin" />
    <Node ToolID="6">
      <GuiSettings Plugin="AlteryxBasePluginsGui.BrowseV2.BrowseV2">
        <Position x="294" y="126" />
                <Table />
        <Annotation DisplayMode="0">
          <Name />
          <DefaultAnnotationText />
          <Left value="False" />
      <EngineSettings EngineDll="AlteryxBasePluginsEngine.dll" EngineDllEntryPoint="AlteryxBrowseV2" />
      <Origin ToolID="1" Connection="Output" />
      <Destination ToolID="5" Connection="Left" />
      <Origin ToolID="3" Connection="Output" />
      <Destination ToolID="5" Connection="Right" />
      <Origin ToolID="2" Connection="Output" />
      <Destination ToolID="1" Connection="Input" />
      <Origin ToolID="4" Connection="Output" />
      <Destination ToolID="3" Connection="Input" />
      <Origin ToolID="5" Connection="Join" />
      <Destination ToolID="6" Connection="Input" />
    <Memory default="True" />
    <GlobalRecordLimit value="0" />
    <TempFiles default="True" />
    <Annotation on="True" includeToolName="False" />
    <ConvErrorLimit value="10" />
    <ConvErrorLimit_Stop value="False" />
    <CancelOnError value="False" />
    <DisableBrowse value="False" />
    <EnablePerformanceProfiling value="False" />
    <DisableAllOutput value="False" />
    <ShowAllMacroMessages value="False" />
    <ShowConnectionStatusIsOn value="True" />
    <ShowConnectionStatusOnlyWhenRunning value="True" />
    <ZoomLevel value="0" />
      <NameIsFileName value="True" />
      <Name>New Workflow1</Name>
      <Description />
      <RootToolName />
      <ToolVersion />
      <ToolInDb value="False" />
      <CategoryName />
      <SearchTags />
      <Author />
      <Company />
      <Copyright />
      <DescriptionLink actual="" displayed="" />
      <Enabled value="True" />
13 - Pulsar

It's not necessarily a new idea I guess because,

there are programs converting SQL to different languages like


But I'm sure it will ease everybody's lives a lot... especially auditors...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I'm actually keen for a process that can do this explosion, but specifically into InDB Queries.


What we've found is that for complex queries, Alteryx is often able to optimize them better if they're done as in-DB queries, than if done as a single query in an input tool - so having the ability to explode the queries you have above into an equivalent In-DB flow would be very useful.


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

If Alteryx can do the translation, this would be amazing - like magic. I also recommend conversion to in-db tooling, then the user must set the connection type and output type.