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SMTP Authentication with Microsoft Office 365

Alteryx does not currently have to email tool that is configurable to use SMTP Authentication for Microsoft Office 365 or any server requiring authentication.  Our office printer can authenticate over SMTP and with TLS enabled why not my Alteryx mail tool - 'mic drop!'


Further explained, Alteryx is a tool that needs to live within abide by the policies and security standards in the organization not vice versa.  Therefore, it shouldn't be a big surprise, or a big ask for that matter, that a mail client should have the ability to authenticate prior to sending email of SMTP.   I'm very surprised this tool is so arcane.  Please implement quickly.  Thank you

5 - Atom

This functionality would help me out a great deal with many of my workflows.

6 - Meteoroid

I believe this would also help stop gmail flagging emails as possibly not from who it says, which would be great.

5 - Atom

And, what would be the process for Hotmail account? We can also use to send emails with or without attachments.

Zoho mail customer service

8 - Asteroid

+1 my work will no longer allow us to send our automated reports using email module


+1 This would be great to have. I have clients asking about this. 

6 - Meteoroid



The only way I have ever gotten the email tool to work was when I was working for a different division.  They had Alteryx Server installed and therefore could input the SMTP protocols/credentials into the Gallery setup.  Why can't we those with Scheduler or even desktop licenses have the option to input the credentials in a user setting?


Or at least add it inot the email tool?


This is definitely a large stumbling block for me and my team.

6 - Meteoroid

Is there an update in the pipeline to add the functionality of Web-Based email services? 




Dear Alteryx Users and Alteryx Dev team,


Several companies are switching over from on-prem and it is rendering this tool useless without using workarounds that are not supported by Alteryx and often not available to all users who need this functionality. 


It would really be a great feature to keep updated especially if you have workflows set to run in the morning to send out to certain people everyday and you can no longer use Alteryx for this.






13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @Mattbeatty89


Which provider are you currently using?


I've seen many organisations create their own macros which connect via APIs to their chosen email provider.


@danielbrun2 and the Inviso Team have created an awesome integration with Google Mail which you can read about and download here:


If you're using a different provider and are up to sped with macros and APIs you can probably use this as a good starting point.


