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SFTP feature in Download Tool

Just learnt today that Download Tool doesn't support uploading to a SFTP server. This feature is pretty critical and essential for many use in the Enterprise world. Is this something we can expect in next release?

6 - Meteoroid

@AlexP i see you marked this as completed but I still cant get an SFTP file to work ... where can I find more instructions?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @scottiewardell - check out this knowledge base article. It should give you all the instruction you need.

Upload to SFTP/FTP - More Examples with Alteryx 10.5


6 - Meteoroid

@TaraM thanks for the help!  Unfortunately the issue is I need to download.  I need to identify the directory from the FTP then run some logic to find the most recent version of a file, then download it.  The problem is one of the subfolders of the FTP site is throwing off "Error: Download (8): Error transferring data: Error in the SSH layer".  That error only occurs for the one subfolder I need, but does not occur for any of the other subfolders.  Any ideas? @AlexP

7 - Meteor

I keep getting the same error, "Error transferring data: Error in the SSH layer", when trying to upload, but I have yet to submit a case.

6 - Meteoroid

@jeremy_dalletezze I was able to fix it - I think for me it was a file size issue of the target folder/file and the download was taking too long so the tool timed out.  A few things I did that seemed to fix it...

1 - on the "connection" tab I changed max connections to 10 and changed timeout to 10,000

2 - running the workflow via our alteryx server scheduler worked much faster than trying to run it on my desktop, if you potentially have access to a faster server