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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Running a workflow on Designer and Gallery should be an identical experience

Part of the joy of using Alteryx is watching connections progress, tools turn green, and messages flow to the results window. As workflows are running, the messages provide crucial information for the developers/executors in real time. This UX is absent when running on the Gallery. It would be lovely to run a workflow on the Gallery and let it stream all those messages, and possibly even the canvas, to my Designer window in real time. I could even catch issues/problems and stop the workflow instead of waiting for it to finish on the Gallery and then diving into the log. Is it possible to have the same experience in Designer regardless of executing the workflow locally or in Gallery?


Because this is a desired feature in Designer, I decided to post in Designer Ideas rather than Server Ideas.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @seven!


Thank you for the feedback and idea, this an interesting one since this could potentially impact three unique product areas, specially UX, Server and Designer. To help make sure this idea reaches all these teams I've updated your labels a bit. 



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes