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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Row highlight too hard to see?

Ever since upgrade to version 10, when you highlight rows in a browse tool, it is almost impossible to see what is highlighted.  Previously, I believe it was a shade of green which provided great contrast against the white background of the cells so you could easily see what you were highlighting.  With version 10, it was moved to a very very light blue which almost looks white, so it is near impossible to tell which rows you're highlighting.  I looked in the settings and do not see any way to change this.


Am myself and my colleagues alone in finding this very straining on the eyes?  Would like to either be able to select what color you want in the settings, or move back to something easier to see.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

FYI...I asked our Community Admin to copy this over to our Ideas section...


When you have good ideas like this for product enhancements, you can put them there. The Product team checks this and especially looks at the ideas that are "voted up". (BTW...I added my vote to it already! Smiley Wink)



5 - Atom

Thanks, I thought about posting it there, wasn't sure exactly where it fit.  Thanks for the vote!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: New Idea
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Hi Jeremey,


We got this request from several customers and we agree.  We will be updating the row selection to be much clearer as well as matching row selection in other tools in the product.






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented
11 - Bolide

This small little improvement is fantastic.  Would be great if the same highlighting extended to when you open the results in a new window.  That highlighting is still done in the lighter shade of blue that is difficult to see.