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Revert Annotation Behavior to pre-2019.3

Before 2019.3, you could edit the default annotation that Alteryx generated, but now if you go to change the annotation it's either 100% your own annotation or 100% the default annotation left by Alteryx.


I found it useful to retain a portion of Alteryx's default annotation (e.g., a long table name when setting up a database connection) while being able to cull the superfluous portions (e.g., didn't want to see the Source / Catalog). Now, if I want to retain the Table name I have to type it out.

Status changed to: Implemented

Thanks for suggesting this! In the 2019.4 release (, you can once again edit the default annotation.

10 - Fireball

@jpozI'm on 2019.4.4 and it is still not an option. Once I go to edit that default annotation, it goes away in favor of whatever I type. Rather than giving me option to simply edit what is there by default.

Status changed to: Coming Soon

@justindavis You are right. I'm sorry, I made a mistake. This fix didn't quite make the 2019.4 release.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your idea! This feature has been implemented in the latest release, 2020.1! Check out the release notes for this version here!

10 - Fireball

@KylieF @jpoz something is still off about this, and it's probably an element of the behavior I didn't mention in my initial post. In 2020.1.1 if I want to delete the annotation entirely, I can't do so. As a workaround, I have to delete the default annotation, then hit the spacebar. Why would that be the case?


I am hoping for a full revert to the behavior that was pre-2019.3 It should be:


  1. Default annotation (if you want it to stay, leave it / don't touch it)
  2. When you click to edit annotation, it allows you to edit the default annotation -- meaning alter it slightly, replace it entirely, or delete it so there is no annotation
10 - Fireball

Why is it that you still can't just remove the annotation entirely with a simply highlight + delete?