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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Read in multiple files/tabs with different field schema

When reading in multiple files/tabs with different field schema, there will be an error. It can be done by using macro. It would be great if there is a tool to read in all.

8 - Asteroid

I fully agree.

Instead of having to create a macro.

An import tool that could automatically import multiple files with different schemas would be awesome.

Finally figured out how to do directory and dynamic import, then got hit with a different schema error.

Status changed to: Comments Requested

Hi @huiyuxinyao ,

are we talking here about Connect or Designer? I am not sure what import you have on your mind. 

14 - Magnetar

Hi, can this idea be revisited please? This is something that would contribute a lot to a better user experience. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes