Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Query Builder Show Column Description Option

A question has been coming up from several users at my workplace about allowing a column description to display in the Visual Query Builder instead of or along with the column name. 


The column names in our database are based on an older naming convention, and sometimes the names aren't that easy to understand. We do see that (if a column does have a column description in metadata) it shows when hovering over the particular column; however, the consensus is that we'd like to reverse this and have the column description displayed with the column name shown on hover. 


It would be a huge increase to efficiency and workflow development if this could be implemented.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned



We don't have plans for this at this time.




9 - Comet

Well actually it should be implemented for in db tools too and the "field description" should be alimented with it.