Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Put a little border around comment boxes when selected

When you select a tool you get a nice little outline that calls out that you have in fact selected that tool. When you select a comment, you have to look at your configuration to see which comment you have clicked on. It seems silly to have to actually read something in another part of the screen in order to know you've clicked on the proper thing. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor


I'd hope that this would be a relatively easy change to make - but agree with you that it's not possible visually to see that you've got a comment box selected (as you can with all other controls), and I've found myself having to triple check when updating multiple comment boxes which one I've selected before making changes.



Status changed to: Coming Soon

Thank you for reporting this! This is a bug and the fix will be included in 2019.3.

Status changed to: Implemented

This is now available in the 2019.3 release. Download it at