Version 2.0 of the publish to Tableau tool does not work for the initial authentication if Tableau Server has CORS enabled.
This only impacts the UI for the tool that completes the sign in to Tableau Server and provides back the list of projects, data source names, etc.
When CORS is enabled, a 403 error is received with a response of invalid CORS request.
If the XML on the tool is manually edited and the tool is run, it works fine to publish to Tableau, with or without CORS enabled.
version 1.0.9 also works with no issues, but is not the ideal solution when users are on newer versions of Alteryx designer
Additionally calls to the REST API from a local desktop using postman or python work with or without CORS enabled.
Based on conversations with Alteryx support, the tool was not tested with CORS enabled, thus the bundle.js file completing the authentication for the GUI must not account for Tableau Servers with CORS enabled.
For those who build solutions with Tableau Server that utilize the REST API (e.g. like custom portals) CORS must be enabled to function, but it limits the ability to use version 2.0 of the publish to Tableau tool.