Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Prefixes in Summarize tool

With the 2019.3 release the summarize tool now includes prefixes for grouped fields. While a nice addition, in application it makes using this data downstream (like joining to other tables) more involved because of needing to remove this prefix. 


It would be nice to have this as an option (a checkbox to add/remove prefixes maybe) or just revert back to pre-2019.3 behavior...thanks!

10 - Fireball

@jpoz Nice work! 

9 - Comet

I'm not sure whether I fully understand this idea. In my version (2020.4.5.12471), the grouped columns do not receive a prefix but others do, like Data → Concat_Data. I would like to get rid of all prefixed, at least optionally. Would this be a new idea, or am I getting something wrong?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @haraldharders, this was a defect that was fixed in a previous version. If your idea is different, you will need to post it as a separate idea. If you haven’t yet, check out our updatedSubmission Guidelines as it goes over our idea boards and the requirements for product management evaluation in a bit greater detail. Be sure to check out the other product idea boards as well as "Like" any other ideas that would benefit you! 

9 - Comet

Hi @CristonS


Partly, this was understood. I just wanted to understand whether this feature request was just to remove the prefix from the "Group" function. If so, I would like to transfer this behaviour to other types. In that case, I will hand in a new idea.