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Power BI Input

To allow users to pull data from Power BI, eg. datasets and usage data, to allow it to be manipulated in Alteryx. 

5 - Atom

It would be very helpful if we can have an Input tool to get data into alteryx from power bi dataset.

5 - Atom

In our Power BI architecture, we have separated enterprise datasets with embedded business logic that act as a common source for our Power BI reports and dashboards. To enable a high degree of self-service and to be able to offer a complete data insight platform, it would be of great business value to use PowerBI datasets as an Alteryx source. We also expect that the number of users will increase if we can offer this option.

12 - Quasar

Please put this at the TOP of the list if it is not already.  The Community shouldnt be the ones to say this is important.  Hopefully Alteryx can already see that this is a critical need.

5 - Atom

I cannot believe a PowerBI Input does not exist... it's 2023!


It's a shame I am having to resort to querying in Excel. Please can this be implemented as soon as possible.



5 - Atom

Voting "Yes" to add PowerBI input tool for Designer.

5 - Atom

Cant believe they did not think about that. This is particularly important when we are using linked entities from the dataflows that we do not own. Connecting to these dataflows would make life so much easier since Alteryx is better on merging data of the dataflow with other data sources. I am struggling to merge so many data sources with Power Query. 

6 - Meteoroid

I have any existing process where I need to download a Power BI report on the 2nd day of each month regardless of whether it is a working day or not.  It would be great if I can automate this process using Alteryx so I don't have to take my laptop with me when I am on holiday!

5 - Atom

Is this still on the road map?  I would love to input a PowerBI dataset into Alteryx

Voting Yes.

5 - Atom

This would be a fantastic enhancement.

7 - Meteor

Need this now please :)