Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Package all the necessary drivers into Alteryx

Due to different file formats whether it is .xlsb or any other formats, sometimes it requires end user to install additional drivers/engine.


Some of these driver installations require installations of outdated software e.g. Microsoft Access 2013 (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2013), which poses unnecessary security risk.


Therefore we recommend that in the future version should take note and incorporate such drivers into the installation package so that there is no need to install them separately.


This would be great for companies that have strict security rules regarding third-party installs.

8 - Asteroid

on top of that, please include .xls file as well. we realized .xls file also needs to install certain driver in order to consume the data, would be great if Alteryx could package the driver as well. thanks.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
Status changed to: Not Planned

While we understand the challenges that driver installs can create in different organizations, unfortunately there isn't a great way to know what "all the necessary drivers" might be, given that the "right" driver for any given organization can vary greatly. Certain organizations could have security frameworks in place that would actually be more at risk if unwanted drivers were automatically installed. Given these risks and the different requirements for our customers (and in an effort to keep our install files at a reasonable size), we do not plan to implement any additional drivers automatically as part of our product installers.