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Output tool: (User?) default for 3: Output Options

Hi Community:



Capture.PNGIs anyone else annoyed that the default Output Options for the output tool usually need to be changed? What I've found in my couple of years of using this (wonderful) tool is that for Excel and Tableau outputs especially, the default is always 'Create new [sheet OR Extract File]'. Capture.PNG




But when you use that option for your output tool, you can't use the Alteryx flow again; you get an error (Sheet already exists you moron, or Extract already exists stupid) (c'mon, you know Alteryx is judging you and the strikethroughs are there in spirit).


The 'stupid' is silentThe 'stupid' is silent

If you ever want to run your workflow again, you've got to change it to 'Overwrite [Sheet (Drop) OR Existing Extract File (Create if does no Exist)]'. 


I'm not sure about you, but I've been (passive aggressively?) hoping that with each new release of Alteryx, I would get a means to change my defaults. I would LOVE the option to have my output tools default to the overwrite, rather than create, option automatically. That one step is just... annoying to do over and over again. 


So, I'm not going to be a passive-aggressive twit any longer. I am formally asking for what I want like an adult.


Can I please have an option in Options>User Settings>Defaults with a drop-down for Output tool preferences: Create by default, Overwrite by default, Append by default, and whatever the other options are generally categorised according to how the Output tools are done? I really only care about the overwrite one, but you're getting my gist at this point, right?


Thanks so much!



Colourless Green



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Alteryx Community Team
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