Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Option to return Salesforce "business" or "technical" object name

In the Python 3.6/3.8 versions of SF Input Tool, the business name of an object is returned (e.g., Quote).  In the now-deprecated Macro-based version of SF Input, the technical name was returned (e.g., Quote, Quote__c, SBQQ_Quote__c).


With the Python Input tools, there are multiple occurrences of "Quote" to select from with the SF Input tool.  This is confusing and leads to "guessing" which object is the right one.


See attached screenshots.


My proposal is to add an option to the SF Input tool to allow the workflow developer to choose whether technical or business names should be returned.

8 - Asteroid

I full support this idea! This would be a big leaver for the data citizien. 


This option is available on other software solution (e.g. KNIME). 


And the two factor authentication as been already raised as an idea is crucial for our business. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes