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Only Copy Selected Fields in Metadata From Results Window

Sometimes I want to copy just the Name and Type fields from the metadata in the Results window. Even when selecting this option, however, all 5 available fields still get copied and pasted. I would like to see this change to work as expected and only copy those cells selected.


Copy only the first two columnsCopy only the first two columns


All of them get pastedAll of them get pasted


Cc @DultonM 

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Looks like you've found a bug Kenda, as the same happens for me so it's probably worth contacting support with it.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Kenda,


From your description, I understand that you are requesting a new feature "Copy selected cells with headers" and "Copy selected cells without headers"? Is that correct?


@Joe_Lipski Current function seems to work as expected as metadata (name, type, size, source, description) will be selected.





16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@PaulN  The two features you have listed are already available as options however they are not working as expected. When selecting "Copy Selected Metdata with Headers" I would expect only those cells I have highlighted to be copied, however, in reality, all 5 columns of data are being pasted (even when they are not selected to be copied).

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Kenda,


Thank you for you message.


If I understand correctly, you would like to copy some metadata. Current functionality copies the metadata for selected field. I suppose that confusion comes from the fact that individual cells are selected instead of full rows.




Paul Noirel

Sr Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

The issue is that is says "Copy selected metadata" but actually copies ALL metadata.




"Copy Selected Metadata..." and "Copy Selected Cells..." are different functions. It also doesn't help that the context menu options between Data and Metadata are different.


"Copy Selected Cells..." is currently only available for Data and copies only cells that are selected.


"Copy Selected Metadata..." is only under Metadata. This function copies the entire record object for any Metadata field regardless of how many cells are selected. 


So it's working as intended. We will add "Copy Selected Cells..." to the Metadata tab of the Results window, but there is no timeline at the moment.


We appreciate your feedback very much!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for your feedback! We're updating this idea to Accepted and will update the idea again once we are close the release of this feature.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @RithiS, should it not read "Copy ALL Metadata" then?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Thank you for the clarification @RithiS. I agree with @Joe_Lipski that the wording of "Copy selected Metadata" is still is a little ambiguous, though, as it makes it seem like you are only going to copy selected fields since the wording is the same as when copying data. I would be fine with getting rid of the "Copy selected Metadata" option and replacing it with the "Copy selected Cells" option. There are only 5 columns anyway so if one wanted to copy all 5 columns, it is easy enough to highlight all five.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Thank you for your idea! We'll be updating the copy metadata functionality to include this in an upcoming release. We'll update this idea again once that release is available for download.