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Novel Data Browsing

Slightly off the track, but definitely needed...

I'd like like to propose a novel browsing.

With this new feature you may no longer require the traditional Browse Tool, to the extent that it may be decommissioned later. Here's how new Browse would work.


So far Browse Tool is helpful for mid-stream data sanity check...

But a complex workflow will need so many Browse Tools, thereby wasting a lot of canvas space and unnecessarily complicating / slowing the workflow further.





Expected Browse:

Clicking on any tool should automatically populate its results in the Results window without the need of Browse Tool.


1) Tools with a single output: Clicking on the tool or its output plug should reveal its data (ex: Summarize Tool)


2) Tools with more than one output: Clicking on each of the output plug should reveal its data (ex: Join)





BONUS: Clicking on the input plug of a tool should reveal its input data








17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @r4upadhye


Apologies if I've misunderstood - but this capability has been introduced in Alteryx 11 - where you can click on any tool's output, and it will show the equivalent of a browse in the results pane.   I think that the only things that don't work perfectly at the moment are things like maps or graphs.


So it may be that in 11, your request has already been delivered?

11 - Bolide

Ohh i was still using the older version... thanks for reminding...

Ok, I've just confirmed this new feature in ver 11

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

Thanks @r4upadhye and @SeanAdams ,


Changing status to completed as this feature was included in  a previous release.