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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Multiple text formats within comment boxes

I love that Alteryx lends itself to good workflow documentation, but I'd really like to be able to add a bit of basic formatting within my comment boxes. I tend to have one large (read: verbose) box at the top/beginning of the workflow describing the purpose of the workflow and quirks of the datasource to watch out for, and it would be easier to read these if I had some simple options like Bold, Italic, Underline, numbered list, bullet list. You know, the sorts of things you can do in basic HTML email? Those. I want them!

5 - Atom

I am new to Alteryx and I am extremely impressed with it's capabilities (having only scratched the surface).  But I am really disappointed such a basic thing as having text formatting options (such as bullet points and different colored text within the same comment tool) is lacking.  

  • This comment box where I am giving my feedback allows me to bullet ???????