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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hi Team,


I have searched through the ideas board but couldn't find one relating to my current request so here's hoping that this can be implemented in future releases.

I have been playing around with Knime and find one feature very useful that you could build in.  Knime use the concept of a metanode, where you can collapse a bunch of tools (nodes in Knimespeak) into one single node and I believe that this can be a very useful feature.  For example, in some of my workflows, where I text mine using regex, (depending on the circumstance), I will have a bunch of regex tools to parse one string (see screen grab below).  In such instances, it would be great if all the regex tools can be collapsed into one meta-tool.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @RPS thanks for your feedback!


Alteryx macros are equivalent to components in knime, yes? A metanode can be accomplished (sort of) with a macro, but it will have some subtle differences, I'm told. Can you be more specific about what you're looking for that macros or tool containers won't accomplish? This visibility into how users would like these tools/ features to behave helps our product team with future planning and understanding users' needs more directly.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes