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Make License site self serve and add columns for site specific attributes

We need either a customizable view/downloadable report and or a view like the License view with license and machine and user and account elements at the first level of report.


The license site ( is a step in the right direction but needs enhancement.  Now it offers 4 different views of what must be essentially the same data source in a file or DB table(s).  The problem is each view leaves out something important or requires you to drill down and lose your broader view across users or licenses.  Also these you be downloadable to support driving automation of internal functions.


  1. License view gives good info on a license but you can't see who is associated with the seats or the machines they have it on.  A drill down only extends the information to show the order number, the rest of the data is the same basic info on the higher leve but only specific to that one license.
    1. If Alteryx made the license view customizable to allow users to include the account, order number, User name and other associated columns then you would not need 4 nearly static views.  You would only need the one view and let people choose which elements they want and save that report configuration.  
    2. Then the if you drill down into a user or account or other element you can use admin functions specific to the element, basically the specific functionality in the current drill downs.
  2. Machine view shows you the machines and users but you have to drill into a user to see their licenses and i want to see that at the first level for all users/licenses to see who has what at a glance instead of pecking my way through 10 or 20 or more machines/users. 
    1. The request above (1.1) would/could eliminate the need for this and other views and you customize the view/report you want.
  3. Account view shows a list of accounts which equate to purchase contracts or orders but nothing else unless you drill into a specific order.  On drill down you see the users associated but no license info.  Additionally on drill down you can't see if the same user also is allocated to another order.  If you click on a user it lops back to the account list but specific to the are kind of in a loop at that point.
    1. Again the functionality in (1.1) would solve this
  4. And finally the User View offers useful info and functionality specific to the user but you can't get to license or machine info.

To extend the conversation the online license site should also be the trigger and management mechanism to add or remove licenses.  Authorized license admins should be able to add seats to an existing account/license. this would trigger a confirmation email with bill for incremental prorated amount so all seats are co-terminus and truly interchangeable so as personnel change they can be reallocated without concern for which one terms next month or next year.


Additionally the Admin should be able to assign or re-assign any new or existing license seat to someone after adding their user data.  the system would then trigger an email to the user with the correct key to use based on that assignment.


And finally, at least in this idea submission, I want to have additional fields the admins can populate for site specific information such as department, budget center, region, etc.  This would allow an admin to see the rest of the data from internal perspectives like what licenses and seats are on what budget center.  this could be downloaded to integrate with and facilitate internal accounting and budgeting systems.  A department head can see who has what and what if any spare licenses are available in his area or budget center.  In the current mixed deployment of seats across an organization and across alteryx accounts if we can tie specific licenses and seats to a department or budget center we can reallocate spare licenses in other departments to another and keep account straight internally regardless of Alteryx account management.


We are a small shop growing from 2 initial licenses to roughly 20 users across 4 or 5 departments with each doing their own purchases but in the mix of orders and renewals and new licenses with 2018 upgrades we now have users shotgunned across all contracts in a tangle of associations with no clear view of which department's budget to hit for which licenses and how to allocate unused licenses or how best to incrementally add seats.  recently another department wanted to get 3 licenses and ended up on another departments budget center due to the confusion of licensing allocation as we look at this.  this is just one simple example but we are already seeing other teams poach unused licenses during personnel shifts and changes and budget arguments cropping up. 


Being small and seeing what I see i can imagine the issues of a large shop.


Finally, this submission is inspired by recent interaction with Alteryx Fulfillment team due to our own internal efforts to organize and clean up our licenses and contracts.  Fulfillment helped me out by generating a report with all the columns I wanted but missed one.  The original report took about a day from request to delivery.  I asked for the additional column and they said they could do it within a few days.  This is of course a one-off.  But one of the powerful aspects of Alteryx is quick will really take a few minutes to add the column but will take them days to get to it.  


One quick turnaround partial solution to most of this request would be to provide us, the Admins, a tool to extract the full set of correlated data.  Essentially take the report FulFillment has produced for me and make it an app or site feature that provides downloadable output.  We Admins download it and then add our own site specific columns like department and such and at least see and manage the licenses and seats from our own customized reporting.  When and if you do enhance per the request as a whole this could be kept or sunset according to what users want at the time. I expect this partial solution could be implemented very quickly and for very low cost.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Any thoughts on this @revathi or @Kosi ?

5 - Atom

Any status or updates on this request? Seems like a download option for the report should have been done initially. It is crazy to have to copy and paste to pull a report.

5 - Atom

I vote yes for all the above proposals. currently the portal is unfriendly, data is scattered across multiple pages and the refresh times for the portal between pages takes 10 to 15 seconds..


Any updates on when we can expect a newer version?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes