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Make Interactive Results Grid functionality available in new window & when YXDB is opened

On 2019.2.5.62427, interactive results grid is only available for the embedded result window but not if you open the results in new window 'Open results in New Window' -> New Window


This is verified by @PaulN -


It also appears that interactive grid is also not available if you double click a yxdb file to open it and view the content.


Would be useful to have the interactive grid in both these areas instead of just the embedded result window.





6 - Meteoroid

Yes! It is very silly that they developed the function in the embedded window but not in the "Open results in New Window".


Makes no sense... We want to work on the data in a bigger window!

5 - Atom

This would be a great enhancement, as the new window option is easier to view large results.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes