The JOIN tool could use some love. Let's consider merging the JOIN and UNION functions into a single tool. Instead of strictly L, J, and R outputs, we could have an option to allow for all standard SQL joins:
- Cross Join (Warning!!!)
- Inner Join (boring)
- Left Outer Join (saves time configuring Union)
- Right Outer Join (saves time ...)
- Full Outer Join (saves time ...)
Being able to JOIN on case-insensitive values is a big bonus (resisted urge to BOLD and change font size).
Being able to JOIN on date-range is often requested.
Being able to JOIN on numeric-range is often requested.
If we are combining tools, getting UNIQUE on L or R (or both) inputs would also save time. Most JOIN errors are because the incoming (R) data contains duplicates by KEY.
Hi @NicoleJ