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JOIN tool - Deselect RIGHT Join fields by default (Checkbox)


I'd say that 95.437% of the Joins I do are straight Inner Joins.


So each of those times I have to remember to go down to the Select part of the Join tool and deselect all the fields I joined on the Right Side since they'll be duplicates.


I'd like a checkbox like below (defaulted to CHECKED)  to deselect all the joined fields from the right hand side. In the rare cases where there's a need I could uncheck it.


Deselect R join fieldsDeselect R join fields

9 - Comet

There's a way to do this under the Options drop-down in the Join tool.  "Deselect Duplicate Fields" is at the bottom of the list.  Someone recently pointed that out to me and I now use it a lot.  


Clear All Renames is useful too.

Hope that helps.

5 - Atom

Deselecting Duplicate Fields only works if the fields are named exactly the same thing.  Our old data analytics tool used to have 'merge key columns' which did exactly what Bob is suggesting.  It should be the default.  There is rarely a time you want two of the same fields in your dataset, but if you do, you can then select it.  I have been meaning to submit this idea for a while.  Glad to see it is already out there.  I'm sharing this post with my team so we can get some traction!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for the idea and comments! We'll consider this when we make improvements to the Join tool.




6 - Meteoroid

Don't know how many times I've caught myself looking for this option.  Glad to find someone has already posted it.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your idea! I'm going to update this idea to implemented as the feature requested is available in the Join Tool, while not a checkbox, the ability to deselect all of one side can be found under Options, just above the select field window.

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks Alteryx Team!