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Interface Tools Update other Interface Tools?

Can the inputs to app interface tools update other interface tools within the same app?  Right now, I believe the only way to do this is with chained-apps, but I don't wish to go that route again.


Just one example:


Can a Dropdown interface tool update a listbox interface tool with an action?  

Right now, I have two interface tools in an app:

  1. Dropdown
  2. Listbox.  


For the Listbox tool , it references an external source file for the NAME:VALUE pairs, let's call this file:  Category1.yxdb.


I would like for the resulting dropdown selection to update this external source file to say, Category1.yxdb or Category2.yxdb or Category3.yxdb, etc.

The different .yxdb files here have different name:value pairs within them.


It doesn't seem like this possible at the moment, but please let me know if this is something that's currently supported within Alteryx.




5 - Atom

I am also very interested to know if this is possible as I have a very similar situation to Collin.


I have tried several ways to try and block or detour the app until the dropdown is changed but it doesn't change the listbox. Hopefully someone can help.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

We would like this feature as well.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I just want to remind those of you who would like to see this feature to vote by clicking the star next to the original post. Our Product Management team responds to ideas with 10 or more votes as per our submission guidelines & status definitions . To get this to work currently you would need to use a chained app.

7 - Meteor

Chained apps on the Gallery are a real pain point to manage. Especially when when editing one of the apps that are chained. I've found that the apps must be downloaded then altered and republished. This doesn't work with the API as everything is based on an ID and the ID changes each time. 

10 - Fireball

We would love this feature to be implemented. Apps would be greatly improved.

9 - Comet

@TaraM  - I was curious if the product management team ever looked at this idea?  It has received more upvotes over the past 5 years, so I think some developers would really like to see this.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@collin_pace Hard to believe it's been over 5 years! We would certainly love to see a feature like this implemented.


cc: @KylieF    

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi All!


Based on the status of this idea it appears our product team, both past, like TaraM, and current, did not review this idea. However it is still currently within the feedback cycle and will be brought to product in the future. We appreciate your patience while we work through our feedback loop.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes