Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Intelligent connections

Currently if I drag a tool onto the canvas and it has multiple input anchors, Alteryx will try to connect to the first input anchor from the output of the nearest tool I am hovering near.

However the improvement I would like to see is where there are specific tools which are required to go into each input that it 'intelligently' connects to the correct input, for example on the gif below I have a PDF input and PDF template tool (pre-computer vision), and when I bring the image to text tool in, it will try and connect the output of the template tool into the D input anchor, when the correct input is the T anchor. What this leads to is me having to delete a connection and then re-wiring which slows down the development time.


Tool connections.gif

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi Chris, this would probably help out beginner users quite a bit, too! I mean, it is somewhat of a codebase refactor ; )

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes