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Input Tool (2018.1) Excel Range Feature Removed

A recent post solution ( by @patrick_digan alerted me to a loss of functionality of the Input Tool.  In order to define a range of data via SQL to Excel (e.g. Sheet3$A1:C10) you need to know a work-around instead of just modifying the SQL.  The work-around is to modify the XML.  I would like to see that functionality returned to the Input tool.




11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Looks like this one is coming soon !

Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for suggesting this! For the 2020.1 release, we have added range options to the dialogs that the Input Data and Output Data tools display. There are also other Excel enhancements in the 2020.1 release. You can view the release notes here.