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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Include Workflow Name As Part Of yxdb metadata

When using the output data tool, it would save me and my cluttered organizational skills a lot of effort if the writing workflow was saved as part of the yxdb metadata. 

I've often had to search to find a workflow which created the yxdb. I tend to use naming conventions to help me,  but it would be easier if the file and or path was easily found. 




17 - Castor
17 - Castor


This would be really useful!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

And given that Alteryx also own the YXDB format, hopefully this should be achievable too.

9 - Comet

Would also be good if the username of the person who ran the workflow was there. Is there any metadata we can access for yxdb files?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your idea! Our product team is looking into the technical requirements behind including this idea in a release. Once we have a clearer picture on what would be needed we'll update this idea again on when or if we can include the feature in the product.



12 - Quasar

I would love this.  The more I create in Alteryx, the harder it is to keep things straight in my head...  yes, I know doing my own documentation is important, but who has time for that... 😉