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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Improve File Open Interface

You can call me new school, but when I browse for inputs etc. in Alteryx, they are the old school windows interface where I have to hunt and peck through the file directory.  Can you make it so we can use the newer interface with so I can type in my location and navigate a bit easier?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Are you looking for something like this (From World Open file dialog):

5 - Atom
Totally agree with that.
6 - Meteoroid
If you start typing in the folder section it will show you the list of folder locations that match.  For example if you type C:P   It will start to show you C:Program Files.
6 - Meteoroid
How about being able to select multiple files at once?
11 - Bolide

Great idea! Definitely a daily pain point. Alteryx uses different File Browsing systems in different places throughout Designer. The above example provided by @BenG, is definitely the best approach and I would love to see it used in all of these places:


  1. The Input tool
  2. The Output tool
  3. The Dynamic Input tool
  4. The File Browse tool
  5. When editing workflow dependencies


...there may be others...

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

This was implemented to 10.1