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Improve Caption for Containers

I know that the container title/label should or can be short, and as much descriptive as possible. Also, adding extra comments inside the box helps to a more detailed explanation on regards what process is run inside the container. Visually, if I collapse the container, the "Short" title given can't be of much help.

Could it be possible to enhance the "caption" for the "Container" title? I mean to allow to type 2, 3 or more lines of text?. This will make the Container title more descriptive and visually will allow to have the containers collapsed but with a reasonable amount of text that describe (as much as possible) what happens inside the container.


At the moment, If I type certain amount of text, the container expands according to the length of the text 


Below is the typical container Title 

Normal Container Title.JPG



Below is the current situation if a person would like to give a bit of more description in the "Container" header (The container expands)


Extra Text in Container_CurrentProblem.JPG


An dream would be to have the workflow with all containers collapsed and with titles that tell you what they do (see image below)


 Ideal Alteryx Containe.JPG


Status changed to: Coming Soon

Stay tuned, coming soon!

Status changed to: Implemented

Wish granted! Check out the new multi-line container title functionality available in 24.2 release


image (67).png