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Import field description from file or database

An option to import field descriptions would be really handy if I could import filed descriptions while working with datasets where filed (thousands) names are type of codes and there is a spearate alias table with filed descriptions.

13 - Pulsar

To complete this idea :
-ability to get the description at input as an option

-ability to send the description at output as an option

Shoulw work with :
-files (such as excel or Tableau datasource, of course, not csv ^^)
if the data system accepts it.

13 - Pulsar

It works with .yddb so I guess this is not that hard to do that with the other systems.

8 - Asteroid
Dynamic Rename can be used to add field descriptions
7 - Meteor

This feature will be a valuable to team sharing dataflows. This will save manual effort and help someone pick up an existing dataflow.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes