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IBM DB2 in-Database availability

Please include IBM DB2 as an in-Database option. Currently, my primary use of Alteryx is for copying DB2 tables into Teradata for use on that server. Copying large tables and particularly joining several tables and copying the results to Teradata is too slow in Alteryx.

9 - Comet

I am pulling DB2 data into a workflow and I have a lot of joins that are slowing it down a lot.  For the SQL stuff I am doing, I can use in-db to fix this issue, but with DB2, in-db is not yet supported so the joins take a lot of time to all be pulled together.  I also think that just focusing on the in-DB tools in general would be a good thing.  These tools really can be game changers when it comes to large datasets.  

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

At this time we haven't planned to support DB2 as we focus more on analytic databases such as Netezza. Please keep the feedback coming as we regularly revisit our priorities.



9 - Comet

I would be interested in knowing how many people use Netezza vs how many people use DB2.  Do you guys collect that kind of information on the regular input tool?  

5 - Atom

 JCR, does this mean Netezza is supported within In-DB? I ask because I've not been able to get it to connect.

13 - Pulsar

Nice link here, DB2 seems a little old school. No R support etc... But obviously very popular in enterprises...

5 - Atom
I would find this feature useful as well.
6 - Meteoroid

This lack of native DB2 support in Alteryx seems to be a product management blind spot for Alteryx.  There is a tremendous amount of ongoing legacy data within large corporate DB2 databases.  These databases are not going away anytime soon. frenemy Tableau gets this.  If not good old DB2, perhaps Alteryx will add support for IBM DB2 BLU?

6 - Meteoroid

DB2 BLU is getting headway in the corporate environment. Don't miss this one Alteryx!

6 - Meteoroid

Companies need this!

5 - Atom
Having this capability is critical to our decision to use Alteryx in our Dist Ntwk maintenance processes.