Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Google BigQuery In-Database Support

Where it stands now, only a file input tool can be used to pull data from Google BigQuery tables. The issue here is that the data is streamed and processed locally, meaning the power of BigQuery processing isn't actually being leveraged.

Adding BigQuery In-Database as a connection option would appeal to a wide audience. BigQuery is also standard SQL compliant with the SQL 2011 standard, so this may make for an even easier integration.

33 Comentários

BigQuery in-database ability would be essential to the project i'm working on due to data volumes.


I agree this would be a critical move, to running and working with data that we would want to bring down in a summarized fashion.


This gets my vote Home Depot is moving to the cloud and this would be essential!


I agree with everyone else here, the sooner the in-DB tools for GBQ come to fruition, the sooner we'll be able to make a big move to the tool.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status alterado para: Under Review

We're researching the effort around this and are hoping to have it implemented by end of year.


I had to do a POC with GBQ found that we cannot use IN-DB components which is not good. Please Implement it soon.


Does any one know if there has been any progress against this? We are moving to a googel cloud environment and will be able to access a lot of data in big query. The in-DP tool set would be be really useful.


Hi @ARich - do you know if there's an update on this? Will In-DB functionality be available for BigQuery soon? Thanks! 


@ARich any update on this please ?


We're researching the effort around this and are hoping to have it implemented by end of year.

It would really help with my current project :)

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status alterado para: Implemented



This idea has been implemented, you can check out our knowledge base article on the topic here!


Thank you again for your contribution to Alteryx and the Idea board!