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Generic in memory odbc connection : please stop inventing and changing SQL type



My issue is very easy to solve. I want to use the generic ODBC in memo for a specific base (monetdb here but it isn't important).

I try to ouput a flow in a MonetDB SQL database. As you can see, I only take very simple field types





However I get this error message :

Error: Output Data (3): Error creating table "exemplecomparetable.toto": [MonetDB][ODBC Driver 11.44.0][MONETDB_SAU]Type (datetime) unknown in: "create  table "exemplecomparetable"."toto" ("ID" int,"Libellé" char(50),"Date d"
syntax error in: ""Prix""
CREATE  TABLE "exemplecomparetable"."toto" ("ID" int,"Libellé" char(50),"Date de Maj" datetime,"Prix" float,"PMP" float)

Reminder : SQL is an ISO Norm. Default type should follow it, not the MS SQL configuration. Interoperability is key

Links to : for in-db

Issues constated : MonetDB


Best regards,


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Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes