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Generating Summarized Text - From a bunch of documents or document

Hi Team,


Context - I have bunch of documents/pdf or word document. The management would like to get the summarized view of the document / paragraph . Is it possible to develop some App which can take the document/ paragraph and summarize it in a line or two.


Please let me know,




14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

It looks like text summary is coming as part of the 2022.3 update -


It will sit in the intelligence suite set of tools, which is an add on to the Designer Licence.


In the meantime here is an example of how to use Spacy for summarising text.

11 - Bolide

Thank you @cgoodman3  . This is great .However the beta license has expired . But i will look forward to the 2022.3 updates.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes