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Field Summary in-db

My users need the same functionnality In-db as the in-memory tool "Field Summary".


The purpose is to discover the data : distribution, minimum, maximum, count,valid, unique, ...



13 - Pulsar

Good to have for profiling purposes, but for some huge tables it may create great workloads at one don't you think...

Would be awesome to make it on a representative sample automatically, a random sample of %5-10 percent and do the analysis on that first for ex...

9 - Comet

If your DB is PostgreSQL Greenplum you have this data built into the system table pg_stats.  Any db table that has been analyzed will appear there.

8 - Asteroid

Hello Alteryx,


it's probably less than one day of development, it can be shown in demo to customer. What I call a quickfix/quickwin.


Best regards,



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes