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Export to MicroStrategy .mstr or iCube format

As a MicroStrategy customer it would be nice if Alteryx would support output for either the .mstr file format or better direct creation and publication of the iCUBE, intelligent cube format on their server solution. This would be similar to the existing features of writing a twbx or  TDE file extract and publish to Tableau server.

Opposite if the Input connector could read from an intelligence cube on the MSTR iServer as datasource that would be great as well.

Below a link to their SOA webservices documentation to pull data into applications, perhaps an option.

Data as a Service



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @arnold_slabbekoorn


Great suggestion.  Since the relaunch of the Comminity last year, we now have a dedicated Ideas section where product ehnacements can be suggested and voted on by other Community users.


@TaraM can this post be moved to the Ideas section or does it need to be posted as a new entry?



5 - Atom

Hi Arnold, 


I'm curious, did you ever get this figured out? Now with MicroStrategy 10.6, there is an API to publish a new cube, and I think 10.7 allows you to update existing cubes on a repeated basis (like a schedule). If you did come up with an answer before those MicroStrategy versions, I'm pretty impressed because I suspect the setup wasn't in place to support it well. 


We're also a MicroStrategy customer, and considering Alteryx for data prep. 



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned